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Reusable packaging. The Benefits

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Packaging continues to evolve with more and more options available to the consumer. Reusable returnable packaging has continued to be a popular option of choice for many, such as through using plastic crates over cardboard boxes for example. This Multi-trip approach to packaging has revolutionised the industry as it is not only a lot more environmentally friendly, but also helps to minimise costs.

Plastic packaging continues to come under fire as more and more people push to remove the everyday use of plastic, due to its harms. However reusable plastic packaging is actually among the most sustainable forms of packaging available in the market. Therefore this is a very good option for both businesses and yourself in looking to minimise environmental impact from the packaging you use. So what is reusable packaging? This is a form of packaging that can be used over several trips and over a prolonged time period. This includes plastic bulk containers, pallets and shipping crates for example. Reusable packaging can also be produced from a wide range of materials such as wood, plastic, composites, foam and metals. This form of packaging is mainly used for industrial purposes and loop supply chains such as in manufacturing. How reusable packaging can help the environment? For businesses this is very important and having a returnable supply chain can help reduce their environmental impact. Many parts and components are being shipped each day and using single trip packaging can quickly add up to a lot of waste. Therefore this reusable approach can significantly reduce energy use and minimise landfill waste, that has long been a problem. Most reusable packaging can actually help to minimise CO2 emissions, through a more efficient transit. Benefits summary • Less packaging production results in waste and carbon reduction • Increases the level of protection on the product, resulting in less damage • Far less packaging materials being sent to landfill • Recyclable once finished with • Reduces the requirement for raw material in new packaging • More efficient transit which therefore results in minimising CO2