Sustainability can be many different things – an objective, an ideal, a way to do business, a way to live your life or a call to action. The term “sustainability” is often misunderstood and misused, and not everyone agrees on its definition. [...]
All life is dependent upon fresh, clean water supply. However, the less than two-percent of the entire water supply is available for consumption and use. Cleaning water for reuse is an effective way to maintain water quality and supply.
With all the talk today about global warming, pollution and going green, most people are becoming overwhelmed with the vast amount of information out there about how to reduce what is known as your “carbon footprint.” Well, it’s not as complicated [...]
Smart companies take advantage of a recession to sprint ahead of their competitors, while some competitors ‘hunker down’ and conserve their capital. The forward-thinking firms plan and install new capacity during the dullest of times. Then, when [...]
1. Change your light bulbs to compact fluorescent lamps. (They consume about 75 percent less electricity and last up to 10 times longer) 2. Use energy efficient[...]
Business and the environment are closely linked. Though some businesses have more obvious impacts on the environment than others, all businesses have some environmental impact, through the products they manufacture or purchase, the energy and water [...]