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2011 – Time to Go Green

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Today’s business world is all about being ‘green’. From Walmart to Apple, from GE to general Motors, everyone is talking about how green their vision, products & packaging, or methods are. But green business is really in its infancy, [...] 

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Carbon, Carbon, Carbon

Image for Carbon, Carbon, Carbon

A carbon footprint measures your personal or household output of carbon dioxide (CO2) in pounds; the larger the number, the greater your carbon footprint and the greater your affect on global warming. Most people are sensitive to the fact that their [...] 

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The Cancun Climate Summit footprint represents a shoe size of 46

Image for The Cancun Climate Summit footprint represents a shoe size of 46

The Cancun Climate Summit footprint represents a shoe size of 46

The ecological footprint of Mexico is ranked at 58th of 141 countries worldwide. But the carbon footprint is obviously larger.

Consider the following stats:

The Cancun meeting’s [...] 

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The Time to Act is NOW

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No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.

The next decade will clearly be crucial in implementing changes that will aim to reverse the affect of global warming. By 2030, businesses that are not green will not be able to survive.

Historically, [...] 

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The solution lies in ‘energy efficient lighting’

Image for The solution lies in ‘energy efficient lighting’

The 100 Country Lighting Assessment findings have come from the ‘en.lighten initiative’- a partnership led by UNEP involving companies Osram and Philips.

The initiative, which today launched detailed market assessments of the environmental [...] 

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Climate Change is a REALITY

Image for Climate Change is a REALITY

Every action we take to reduce greenhouse gases, no matter where it occurs, will make a difference.

Consider these facts and decide yourself.

The first decade of this century has been, by far, the warmest decade on the instrumental record. Despite 1998 [...] 

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The importance of recycling bottles

Image for The importance of recycling bottles

Americans buy an estimated 36 billion single-serving plastic water bottles each year. Almost eight out of ten end up in a landfill or incinerator. Hundreds of millions end up as litter on roads and beaches or in streams and other waterways.

It [...] 

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Environmental migrants – Dealing with a new reality

Image for Environmental migrants – Dealing with a new reality

Environmental migrants are people forced to migrate away from their homeland due to sudden or long-term changes to their local environment. When the migration is considered to be forced and not a matter of choice, the term environmental refugee is [...] 

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“Green Guides”

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The Federal Trade Commission has proposed revisions to the guidance that it gives marketers to help them avoid making misleading environmental claims. The proposed changes are designed to update the Guides and make them easier for companies to [...] 

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What is Sustainability?

Image for What is Sustainability?

Sustainability can be many different things – an objective, an ideal, a way to do business, a way to live your life or a call to action. The term “sustainability” is often misunderstood and misused, and not everyone agrees on its definition. [...] 

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