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NIMBY – Not In My Backyard

Image for NIMBY – Not In My Backyard

NIMBY (or the derivative Nimbyism) is used pejoratively to describe opposition by residents to a proposal for a new development close to them. Opposing residents themselves are sometimes called Nimbies. The term was coined in 1980 by Emilie Travel [...] 

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Is nuclear energy good for the environment?

Image for Is nuclear energy good for the environment?

There are a number of alternative sources of energy and environmentally friendly fuels available to combat the damage to the environment caused by Fossil Fuels.

Fossil Fuels such as coal and gasoline provide most of the energy needs of the world today, [...] 

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The Alphabet of Ecology

Image for The Alphabet of Ecology

‘Going Green’ is not rocket science. It can be as easy as ABC!

Get your GreenSpeak guide here.

Organic identifies products made under the authority of the Organic Foods Production Act. Organic production guidelines [...] 

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Cloud Computing Helps Reduce Carbon Footprint

Image for Cloud Computing Helps Reduce Carbon Footprint

Research has found that the rise of cloud computing could have a positive environmental impact and help reduce the IT industry’s massive carbon footprint, which is estimated to account for 2 percent of the world’s total carbon emissions.

Cloud [...] 

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The Rise of Collaborative Consumption

Image for The Rise of Collaborative Consumption

My favorite read in 2010 has been, What’s Mine Is Yours: The Rise of Collaborative Consumption

Collaborative Consumption describes the rapid explosion in swapping, sharing, bartering, trading and renting being reinvented through the latest [...] 

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2011 – Time to Go Green

Image for 2011 – Time to Go Green

Today’s business world is all about being ‘green’. From Walmart to Apple, from GE to general Motors, everyone is talking about how green their vision, products & packaging, or methods are. But green business is really in its infancy, [...] 

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Carbon, Carbon, Carbon

Image for Carbon, Carbon, Carbon

A carbon footprint measures your personal or household output of carbon dioxide (CO2) in pounds; the larger the number, the greater your carbon footprint and the greater your affect on global warming. Most people are sensitive to the fact that their [...] 

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The Cancun Climate Summit footprint represents a shoe size of 46

Image for The Cancun Climate Summit footprint represents a shoe size of 46

The Cancun Climate Summit footprint represents a shoe size of 46

The ecological footprint of Mexico is ranked at 58th of 141 countries worldwide. But the carbon footprint is obviously larger.

Consider the following stats:

The Cancun meeting’s [...] 

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The Time to Act is NOW

Image for The Time to Act is NOW

No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.

The next decade will clearly be crucial in implementing changes that will aim to reverse the affect of global warming. By 2030, businesses that are not green will not be able to survive.

Historically, [...] 

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The solution lies in ‘energy efficient lighting’

Image for The solution lies in ‘energy efficient lighting’

The 100 Country Lighting Assessment findings have come from the ‘en.lighten initiative’- a partnership led by UNEP involving companies Osram and Philips.

The initiative, which today launched detailed market assessments of the environmental [...] 

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