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e – for environment

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Whose job is it to stop climate change? I am asked this question very frequently.

The answer is simple. It is the responsibility of every individual and every responsible government.

Climate change is too big a problem to be solved simply by virtuous [...] 

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The Water Footprint

Image for The Water Footprint

There has always been a lot of discussion about reducing the carboon footprint in order to preserve our planet.

What is new, is the concept of water footprint.

The water footprint of an individual, community or business is defined as the total volume [...] 

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Can renewable energy provide a 24by7 solution?

Image for Can renewable energy provide a 24by7 solution?

This is a million dollar question! After all, the wind doesn’t blow all the time, and there’s no sunlight at night. Here’s the truth.

Detailed computer simulations, backed up by real-world experience with wind power, demonstrate that a transition [...] 

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Image for Eco-dining

Summer is the perfect time to practice going green if you aren’t already.

The warmer weather and choice of fresh fruits and vegetables lend to festive outdoor dining and impromptu picnics. Whether you are cooking for your family or hosting a [...] 

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Go Green With Cloud Computing

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Cloud computing is the new mantra in the business world.

For many, it represents the platform for the next generation enterprise, promising low total cost of ownership (TCO), high scalability and an easy pay-as-you-go cost structure. These advantages [...] 

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Oxo Biodegradable?

Image for Oxo Biodegradable?

Why do we need to replace plastic bags? Simple. They take hundreds of years to biodegrade.

What is the solution? One is OXO.

Oxo Biodegradable (OXO) plastic is polyolefin plastic to which has been added amounts of metal salts. These catalyze the natural [...] 

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How Cool is the Cool Biz Program?

Image for How Cool is the Cool Biz Program?

The Japanese Ministry of the Environment began advocating the Cool Biz campaign in summer 2005 as a means to help reduce electric consumption by limiting use of air conditioning.

According to the Environment Ministry, central government ministries were [...] 

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Do you have an Environmental Affairs Policy?

Image for Do you have an Environmental Affairs Policy?

Environmental policy is any course of action deliberately taken to manage human activities with a view to prevent, reduce, or mitigate harmful effects on nature and natural resources, and ensuring that man-made changes to the environment do not have [...] 

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Yes we can make a difference

Image for Yes we can make a difference

It may not seem like much, but something as simple as choosing to change a light bulb really can make a difference, particularly if we all join in together.

Here are some surprisingly small changes that can add up to big results.

– Choosing [...] 

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Green Products that I use in my Daily Life

Image for Green Products that I use in my Daily Life

Growing public awareness of environmental and corporate governance issues is driving changes in the products consumers buy, how companies do business, and how business decisions are made.

At a recent lecture that I was asked to deliver at a local [...] 

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