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10 Good Reasons to Plant A Tree

Image for 10 Good Reasons to Plant A Tree

Why plant a tree?

Simple. Planting trees will help to clean the air and cool the globe.

Here are 10 good reasons:

1.Trees Save Energy and Money. Trees properly placed around buildings can reduce air conditioning needs by 30 percent and save 20-50 [...] 

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Plastic soda bottles can now be a source of light!

Image for Plastic soda bottles can now be a source of light!

It is said that ‘Necessity is the mother of invention’.

This is one such invention and it’s about to bring thousands of people out of their darkness and help them to see the light.

No, we are not talking about metaphysical stuff [...] 

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Carbon Trading Glossary

Image for Carbon Trading Glossary

Understanding Carbon Trading requires one to know the A-Z terms and definitions of the jargon surrounding it:

Adaptation – Initiatives and measures to reduce the vulnerability of natural and human systems against actual or [...] 

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Bamboo – Eighth Wonder of the World?

Image for Bamboo – Eighth Wonder of the World?

Because bamboo takes in nearly 5 times the amount of greenhouse gasses, and produces 35% more oxygen, than an equivalent stand of trees, it is an efficient replenisher of fresh air.

Energy from the sun reaches the earth as short-wave radiation; [...] 

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What uses Watt?

Image for What uses Watt?

If your electricity and gas bills leave you a little bemused, don’t worry, you’re not alone. But it is certainly well worth taking the trouble to understand your bills, because this is the first step to taking control of your energy use and saving [...] 

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Why Eat Organic Food?

Image for Why Eat Organic Food?

A 30 year scientific trial shows that organic practices can counteract up to 40 percent of global greenhouse gas output. A scientific trial of organic and conventional farming practices has proved that organic practices can be the single biggest way [...] 

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e – for environment

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Whose job is it to stop climate change? I am asked this question very frequently.

The answer is simple. It is the responsibility of every individual and every responsible government.

Climate change is too big a problem to be solved simply by virtuous [...] 

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The Water Footprint

Image for The Water Footprint

There has always been a lot of discussion about reducing the carboon footprint in order to preserve our planet.

What is new, is the concept of water footprint.

The water footprint of an individual, community or business is defined as the total volume [...] 

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Can renewable energy provide a 24by7 solution?

Image for Can renewable energy provide a 24by7 solution?

This is a million dollar question! After all, the wind doesn’t blow all the time, and there’s no sunlight at night. Here’s the truth.

Detailed computer simulations, backed up by real-world experience with wind power, demonstrate that a transition [...] 

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Image for Eco-dining

Summer is the perfect time to practice going green if you aren’t already.

The warmer weather and choice of fresh fruits and vegetables lend to festive outdoor dining and impromptu picnics. Whether you are cooking for your family or hosting a [...] 

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