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How Casinos Are Going Green – Guest Post

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A lot of the companies all over the world are trying to find more sustainable and eco-friendly ways to run their businesses. Some eradicate their use of plastic while other people lessen their consumption. Others plant more trees and do other ingenious [...] 

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A shirt that you can wear for 100 days without Washing or ironing – How Green is that?

Image for A shirt that you can wear for 100 days without Washing or ironing – How Green is that?

Wool & Prince has developed a smart shirt that doesn’t crease or smell even after 100 days of wear.

The company wanted to create the shirt equivalent to a pair of jeans and they did exactly that! The shirt can be worn multiple times before it [...] 

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What Geotechnical Engineering Is and Why It’s Critical to Your Firm’s Project – Guest Post

Image for What Geotechnical Engineering Is and Why It’s Critical to Your Firm’s Project – Guest Post

Your next project may be small or extensive, but it involves building something. Have you ever thought of the environmental impact of the project on the surrounding land? What if something goes wrong? You could end up losing hundreds of thousands – [...] 

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Solar Energy is the Answer

Image for Solar Energy is the Answer

“Every hour the sun beams onto Earth more than enough energy to satisfy global energy needs for an entire year.”

Light and energy from the sun allows for the very existence of all animal and plant life. It is also the pillar of one of our most exciting [...] 

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Plastic takes over 500 hundred years to disintegrate

Image for Plastic takes over 500 hundred years to disintegrate

We all know that plastic does not disappear on its own and everything we throw out made of plastic will be here at least 500 years from now so recycling is the only option.

The recycling of plastic is an extremely expensive because there are 7 different [...] 

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Taking green responsibilities seriously – Guest Post

Image for Taking green responsibilities seriously – Guest Post

There is no doubting it. The United Arab Emirates (UAE) is one of the best locations in the world in which to do business, with major markets to the east and west. Foreign entrepreneurs and investors have been tripping over themselves for years trying [...] 

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Benefits of Arboricultural and Ecology Consultancy by Arbtech – Guest Post

Image for Benefits of Arboricultural and Ecology Consultancy by Arbtech – Guest Post

Arbtech Arboricultural and Ecology Consultancy provide a wide range of services to meet the requirements of all clients who are responsible for the management of individual or collections of trees. The following is a comprehensive list of services [...] 

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Eco-friendly technology: The best way to get green light – Guest Post

Image for Eco-friendly technology: The best way to get green light – Guest Post

With energy cost on the rise and a fast depleting fossil fuel reserve, it is time for going green on the energy usage. The use of energy at home is not only limited to lowering the energy consumption at home but also to use more eco-friendly green [...] 

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Tips for beginners to make eco-friendly home improvements

Image for Tips for beginners to make eco-friendly home improvements

‘Go Green’ is the new mantra and homeowners across the world seem to have realized the significance of the same. If you are not a part of this bandwagon, it is high time that you consider going green.

Below are listed some tips that will [...] 

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