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Tools That Every Homeowner Should Have For Their Yard

Image for Tools That Every Homeowner Should Have For Their Yard

One of the most important jobs that most people will have in their lifetime is as a homeowner. As a homeowner, it is very important for you to be able to keep your residence looking its best at all times. While hiring  [...] 

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The Future of Sustainable Building: Kit Homes, Weed and Garbage

Image for The Future of Sustainable Building: Kit Homes, Weed and Garbage

Sustainable building, also known as green construction, or green building, is a process in which materials used, building processes, and use of the building when complete are environmentally responsible and resource efficient. The purpose of sustainable [...] 

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Ecological Eye Openers: Why Using Less Paper and Plastic Means Using Less Water

Image for Ecological Eye Openers: Why Using Less Paper and Plastic Means Using Less Water

To anyone on the West Coast of the US, the drought conditions currently ongoing can seem like the worst in the world. They aren’t. From South America to Africa and Asia, several countries around the world are experiencing conditions of drought [...] 

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Quick and easy ways to reduce your home’s carbon footprint

Image for Quick and easy ways to reduce your home’s carbon footprint

We’re all living in an age where our carbon footprint – the total greenhouse gas emissions we responsible for – is becoming increasingly alarming. Businesses, councils and responsible citizens everywhere are all trying to reduce their carbon [...] 

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How construction firms are cutting their carbon footprint

Image for How construction firms are cutting their carbon footprint

Green building is no longer a niche market, with many construction firms and other industries now looking to reduce their carbon footprint. New research and development is allowing companies to begin to introduce innovative technologies such as  [...] 

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How Gambling Is Affecting The Economy’s Growth

Image for How Gambling Is Affecting The Economy’s Growth

In the UK many choose to take trips to local casinos at the weekend or even sign up to an online casino, although these acts may be disapproved by some they can actually help boost the economy. Whether your online game of choice is blackjack, roulette, [...] 

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Cars and Fuel Efficiency: Are We Winning the War or Simply Spinning Our Wheels?

Image for Cars and Fuel Efficiency: Are We Winning the War or Simply Spinning Our Wheels?

For a while in the middle of the last decade, both carmakers and consumers focused closely on fossil fuel replacement — solar, electric and hybrid technology attracted a great deal of interest. It wasn’t primarily concern for the environment [...] 

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Stop Wasting Time and Start green car

Image for Stop Wasting Time and Start green car

With Emirate temperatures in the late 40’s from May to November, you won’t be driving with the wind in your hair this summer, but you can still keep your cool by burning some shoe rubber and shopping around before you buy a car or generally  [...] 

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Building A New City? This Is What You Need To Know!

Image for Building A New City? This Is What You Need To Know!

Are you aware that half of the people globally live in cities and this figure is expected to rise to 70% by 2050?

With such a statistic, there’s a need to focus more on improving urban living in order to keep up with the growth. This means that all [...] 

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