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Oxo Biodegradable?

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Why do we need to replace plastic bags? Simple. They take hundreds of years to biodegrade.

What is the solution? One is OXO.

Oxo Biodegradable (OXO) plastic is polyolefin plastic to which has been added amounts of metal salts. These catalyze the natural [...]  Read More

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How Cool is the Cool Biz Program?

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The Japanese Ministry of the Environment began advocating the Cool Biz campaign in summer 2005 as a means to help reduce electric consumption by limiting use of air conditioning.

According to the Environment Ministry, central government ministries were [...]  Read More

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Do you have an Environmental Affairs Policy?

Image for Do you have an Environmental Affairs Policy?

Environmental policy is any course of action deliberately taken to manage human activities with a view to prevent, reduce, or mitigate harmful effects on nature and natural resources, and ensuring that man-made changes to the environment do not have [...]  Read More

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Yes we can make a difference

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It may not seem like much, but something as simple as choosing to change a light bulb really can make a difference, particularly if we all join in together.

Here are some surprisingly small changes that can add up to big results.

– Choosing [...]  Read More

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Green Products that I use in my Daily Life

Image for Green Products that I use in my Daily Life

Growing public awareness of environmental and corporate governance issues is driving changes in the products consumers buy, how companies do business, and how business decisions are made.

At a recent lecture that I was asked to deliver at a local [...]  Read More

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Easy Ways to reduce your carbon footprint

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Even though global warming is a global problem, each one of us can help by making minor adjustments to our daily lifestyle.

1.Convert incandescent bulbs to more energy efficient compact fluorescent light bulbs. The Department of Energy estimates converting [...]  Read More

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Solar Energy holds the Key

Image for Solar Energy holds the Key

Mankind currently only harvests a tiny fraction of the estimated 12.2 billion kilowatt-hours of solar energy that hits the Earth every day.

It would seem a great folly not to pursue methods to try to harness this power affordably. But current [...]  Read More

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Each One of Us Can Make A Difference – Here is How

Image for Each One of Us Can Make A Difference – Here is How

Somehow, we tend to believe that global warming is a global problem and that our individual actions cannot make a difference.

Guess what, that is so untrue. Our individual actions combined together can help solve the problems associated with climate [...]  Read More

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Bamboo as a Fabric

Image for Bamboo as a Fabric

Bamboo clothing is an excellent fabric choice and it has many benefits and advantages over traditional cotton. Bamboo fabric is softer than cotton with a texture similar to silk. It is also quick to absorb moisture, therefore keeping you dry and odor [...]  Read More

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Earth Hour – Each one of us can make a difference

Image for Earth Hour – Each one of us can make a difference

Earth Hour is a fabulous opportunity for you and your family to do something about climate change. On one night, in one hour, more will be done, more will be demonstrated, and more will be learned than any other ‘Green’ initiative.

Participate in [...]  Read More

Cyber Gear Webinar Series