Dubai-based Dulsco Group, a regional leader in environmental, people, talent and recruitment solutions, launched a new campaign called Wheels of Change to highlight the importance of proper waste management for Global Recycling Day (Monday 18 March), underlining its continued support for UAE government sustainability directives – including the UAE Net Zero 2050 strategy and the UAE Circular Economy Policy.
Si tucherchesune destination de vacances qui mélange histoire, culture, aventureet détente, Dambulla, au cœur du Sri Lanka, t'attend à bras ouverts. Ce lieu ne teséduira pas seulement avec sespaysages à couper le souffle et son riche patrimoineculturel, maisilteproposeraaussi de profiter d'un séjourinoubliable avec des offres et réductionssurl'hébergementquetunevoudrascertainement pas rater.
Yesterday marked a momentous leap in our global endeavor to protect the environment. The collaborative synergy between R3 Factory and Amity School Dubai culminated in the grand unveiling of the R3 Eco-Warrior App, which aligns with the commitment of the United Arab Emirates towards environmental responsibility.
The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) has issued its 2023 annual report – a comprehensive review of its work in protecting the environment and enhancing the emirate’s [...]
The Environment Agency – Abu Dhabi (EAD) has issued its 2023 annual report – a comprehensive review of its work in protecting the environment and enhancing the emirate’s [...]