AkzoNobel, a leading global paints company, will provide protective coatings for two of the landmark development projects in Kuwait – the Al Zour project and the Clean Fuels project – which are envisaged to help implement the 2030 strategy of Kuwait. [...]
Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (DEWA) has appointed Honeywell (NYSE: HON) to help deliver a first-of-its-kind smart energy project in the Middle East, which will see Honeywell provide a further 150,000 smart meters in addition to the 250,000 [...]
DP World and Dubai Carbon Centre of Excellence (DCCE) signed an agreement to use crowdfunding, and innovative Fintech tool, to power the retrofitting of warehouses in Mina Rashid. The agreement was signed by Nabil Battal, Global HSE Director of DP [...]
Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation (Empower), the world’s largest district cooling services provider, announced the completion of the expansion at its district cooling plant in [...]
The Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has won three prestigious awards of The Green Organisation in sustainability and green economy during an event [...]
Building on the momentum to improve energy efficiency in Dubai, TAQATI – Dubai Energy Efficiency Program announced the successful completion of the pilot ‘Home Energy Advice Program’. The program was run across 60 homes in Dubai as part of [...]
DMCC, the world’s premier flagship Free Zone and Government of Dubai Authority on commodities trade and enterprise, announced the launch of its first sustainability report, as part of its commitment to the United Nations Global Compact, UNGC. The [...]
In line with the UAE strategy for Artificial Intelligence and corresponding to the objectives of UAE Vision 2021, the Ministry of Climate Change and the Environment (MOCCAE) has launched the Artificial Intelligence Laboratory in collaboration with [...]
ABB will enable the world’s largest digital substation with the upgrade of one of the biggest air insulated substations (AIS) ever built for the Belarus Ministry of Energy and its transmission utility Mogilevenergo.
Emirates Central Cooling Systems Corporation (Empower), the world’s largest district cooling services provider, is preparing to host the 8th International District Energy Association (IDEA)’s District Cooling Conference 2018 for the 3rd year. The [...]
Almajdouie Holding has partnered with Canon Saudi Arabia to implement a Climate Contribution Project focused on compensating emissions from Almajdouie…