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How Sustainable Housing Options Can Help To Save The Planet

Image for How Sustainable Housing Options Can Help To Save The Planet

Each year, Americans spend more than 125 billion dollars on wasted energy. This can come in the form of leaving lights and electronics on when not in use, having the water run while you step away, etc. There are many instances where people unknowingly waste energy. With this knowledge in mind, it is imperative that we conserve energy where we can. Fortunately, there are many energy saving/green home options on the market today that can help to solve this dilemma of waste. In this article, you will learn of green housing options that save money as well as the benefits of incorporating sustainable efforts into your everyday life.

Green Housing Options That Save Money

There is a litany of methods to go green and save money on your home expenses. Listed below, you will find some of the best options for saving money and the environment.

1. Solar Panels: Adding solar panels to your roof can increase the value of your home by more than $18,000. In addition, there are a number of government tax incentives for homeowners that decide to go solar.
2. Manufactured Housing: Not only are manufactured homes more cost efficient, they are also incredibly energy efficient. In addition, the building of a prefabricated home causes less of an ecological footprint than traditional home building.
3. Rainwater Collection: Installing a rainwater collection system can you save you thousands of dollars each year on your utility bill while also decreasing the amount of pollution caused by water plants.

It is recommended that you conduct further research and make the choice to further green efforts in ways that are conducive to your lifestyle and budget. In many cases, there are tax incentives and government programs designed to help those that wish to help the environment. However, there are other incentives to going green that are not just about money.

The Benefits of Going Green

While the financial benefits of going green are clear, there are additional positives that accompany this decision relating to the overall effects that making green choices have on our society and environment. According to the University of Michigan, the average American uses 240 gallons of water per day, but if you decide to conserve, you can decrease that number to 40 gallons. When each person decides to take individual responsibility for our planet by implementing a sustainable lifestyle, we will be able to help millions of people around the world to enjoy nature as it was intended to be experienced. Sustainable housing options are just one positive step in the right direction, but do not stop there. Go green all the way.