Taking into consideration all the pollution sources that we are employing in our society it’s important to take advantage of the opportunities we are given regarding means to combat that pollution. What this means is that when we something that has the potential to be a green alternative, we should definitely look into it. Today we’re looking into tankless water heaters and how green they are. Many are unaware of what a tankless water heater is able to do, and would like to know whether or not it can help them create greener environment. So let’s take a closer look and see what something like this can offer and whether or not you should invest in the best tankless hot water heater.
What’s good about having a tankless water heater?
You can get your hands on a pretty sizeable tax rebate
They don’t occupy as much space and can even be mounted on walls
They allow you to only use the appropriate amount of power for the amount of water you want to heat up at any given time
They last about 10 years longer than normal tank heaters
They can be controlled through a remote which makes them a lot easier to operate, manage and maintain
There’s no danger of running out of hot water at any moment
They benefit from never having to endure standby heat loss
They are great against flooding incidents since they don’t pose such a threat thanks to not having tanks
What’s bad about having a tankless water heater?
They are much more costly and can bring up expenses thrice the size of a regular heater cost
You might need to run water just so you deal with lag time but in turn risk higher water waste
The gas and propane models are tougher to maintain and will require special accommodations such as steel pipes
The gas models also produce greenhouse gases
You are forced to split the output for your hot water among all fixtures present on sight
By the looks of it, there are quite a few arguments on both sides of the barricade. So the question remains, are tankless heaters green? How about just greener than the traditional tank alternative? Indeed to some extent it would seem that these tankless heaters are capable of securing a water heating solution that doesn’t involve greenhouse gases or whatnot, therefore making them safer for the environment but also for those that use them.