Yesterday, for the first time ever adidas Runners’ captain Lee Ryan and crew runner Ghani Souleymane took to the streets of Dubai to run 118 kilometers and over 10 hours between the 36 Dubai Can stations placed across the city of Dubai; from Al Khawaneej to Bluewatersin an effort to raise awareness of the Government initiative, Dubai Can and adidas’ sustainability focus, Run for the Oceans.
Dubai Can, a sustainability initiative launched by His Highness Sheikh Hamdan bin Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, Dubai Crown Prince, and chairman of the Executive Council of Dubai, is the first campaign of its kind in the city that focuses on reducing the use of single-use plastic bottles across Dubai and encourages a refill water bottle culture.
Similarly, through adidas’ global impact initiative Run for the Oceans, the brand aims to urgently address the devastating marine plastic pollution in our oceans, encouraging runners and the world to make a difference. In its fifth year,more activities than ever will be eligible for Run for the Oceans, with the introduction of tennis, wheelchair movement, football and more. For every 10 minutes of running recorded via the adidas Runtastic app, Parley will clean up the equivalent weight of one plastic bottle from beaches, remote islands, and coastlines before it reaches the ocean (up to a maximum of 250,000kg).
The Route

Lee Ryan and Ghani Souleymaneranfor approximately17 hours covering a total of118 kilometers.The run started at Al Khawaneej and ended in Bluewaters. Dubai Can supported the runners as they visited 36 refill stations throughout their running route.
This initiative is more than just a run. It is an event that will inspire and empower residents of Dubai to unite around a common goal through sport and help drive Dubai Can and adidas’ mission to end plastic waste with the ambition of mobilising a generation to help end plastic waste.
“I am running for the oceans to show my children and my adidas Runners community that nothing is impossible”, said adidas Runners Captain Lee Ryan.
adidas Runners crew runner Ghani Souleymane commented on this initiative saying:” I am running to make a difference in the world paving the way for the next generation to enjoy running and believe they can also do it.”
Let’s make the impossible possible and help us end plastic waste for the city of Dubai. From May 23 – June 8, you can support this intitative by downloading the adidas running app and clocking in your minutes of activity from select activities, such as running, tennis, football, etc.
Follow the conversation on Instagram at @adidasDXB, @DubaiCanusing #RunForTheOceans #endplasticwaste #dubaican #refillforlife