Did you know that habitat loss is one of the greatest threats to the variety of life on this planet today?
Nearly 40% of the world’s forests have already been lost in the last three centuries.
Forest loss and degradation are mostly caused by the conversion of forest land to agriculture and livestock areas, unsustainable logging and mining.
As tropical forests contain at least half of the Earth’s species, the clearance of some 17 million hectares each year is a dramatic loss.
Without a strong plan to create terrestrial and marine protected areas on land and in the oceans, important natural habitats will continue to be lost at a rapid pace.
Protected areas as well as community conserved areas are some of the most effective tools we have to conserve species and natural habitats. They also contribute to the livelihoods and well-being of local communities and societies.
From safeguarding freshwater and food supplies to reducing poverty and the impacts of natural disasters, protected areas go a long way in securing nature, which we ultimately depend on for our survival.
One easy way you can do your part to protect nature, wildlife and the resources we depend on is to make sure the products you choose are sustainably sourced.